I miss home, my family, my friends and my boy friend. I have had enough of this country where everything is either deep fried or full of oil and grease. I want to eat my mom's meal and go to sleep in my boy friend's arm and forget about spanish for the next century.
Apart from that, everything is going great, I have a new camera so soon I will be posting pictures again and I had a great week-end. I am just in a foul mood. No reason for it either. So instead of biting off my roomates head I just post a big nasty complaining piece of scribling.
The spanish is actually progressing fine, it's just most of my friends have decided not to talk to me in english anymore and my head is getting mixed up between french (because although I don't speak it often, it is after all my native tongue) english and spanish. Just lovely, I never know what's going to come out of my mouth and somehow that doesn't make for easy communication. Plus I'm getting tired of hearing spanish, it's a beautiful language, I like it just fine and I am more than willing to learn it, but right now I need a break !!! And I won't get it, so whatever.
At least I have great supportive friends here, because otherwise, with my head screwed on wrong as it is now I would just go nuts.
Bon le reste du post va être en français parce que je n'ai plus envie de parler anglais non plus. En fait j'ai un gros coup de cafard que j'essaye d'évacuer avec une bonne colère. Ca marche pas, et ça m'énerve encore plus. Je sens que je ne vais pas être productive ce soir... Tant pis, je vais aller me coucher et le reste attendra. J'ai envie d'être en France.
7 commentaires:
Merde un message codés...
On dirais pas du navaro c'est deja ca
T'inquiete pas je viens janvier, je parle mal anglais, tres mal espagnole. Donc tu entendras a nouveau du francais en bref plusieur probleme dipsaraitrons... ^^
Hello my dear!!
Here is a little comment to show you there is other people who talk like shit in a language.. here you see how my english is like, i let you imagine how my spanish is.
Anyway, (j'adore ce mot) why not reading a french book, or looking à the jeetay (JT hihi) on internet?
mom says
how wonderful my dear you are bilingual...
it's not a reason on a halloween night to be in a shit of a mood
gros bisoux lis ton mail pour des nouvelles en français
hey hey ! Mais faut pas être dépressive comme ca ... Halloween, c'est party time !!!! :-D
Allez souries, je t'envois des nouvelles fraîches d'Allemagne en Francais (à moins que tu ne les préfère en Allemand ?)
Getting that third language integrated in there is a real b.tch. Hang in there. How long do you still need to be there?
I am not going back home until next May, so I guess I still have time to get my spanish straightened out. :)
The good thing is, the family is coming to visit for X-mas, otherwise...
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